Monday, March 31, 2008

We're in!

We got the keys today...

We're at mum's tonight because until tomorrow we don't own a bed! lol
But we officially have the keys and the dinning room is full of boxes... Boy what a lot of stuff for the charity shop ;)

Friday, March 28, 2008


Well the house is nearly sorted. They told me that I might have to wait until NEXT Friday!! I was most unhappy about that so set about poking my nose into areas that I am sure only solicitors are supposed to poke. I called the mortgage company and let them know that I wanted the money to go through in hours not 7 days. They were surprisingly obliging and told me of a little known Speedy Fax number which I could ask my solicitor to use. They couldn't guarentee the money would be through by the end of the day Friday but at the very latest it would be Monday - this was a big improvement on making me wait another whole week! A week in which I am off work and can unpack!

So... we instructed our solcitor to use this number, we went in to sign the contracts and then went to the bank to transfer the deposit. I recieved a phone call at 1pm (lunchtime) to tell me that all the money had arrived. Great! that should mean I can pick up the key and have all weekend to move things out of attics and into houses with the help of strapping young men who have the weekend off. UH ER! (Buzzer noise ;) Unfortunatly, the vendors solicitors have informed me that their clients have not signed their contract yet.

Oh no!

So we have spent all afternoon trying to get hold of them to get them to their solicitor to sign. We were unsucessful.... Here's hoping they managed to do it on Monday... I'm paying interest on a mortgage and I don't have a house! EiK!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy 88th

It was Nan's birthday last weekend and I meant to mention it on here.
Officially, she was 88 on St Patrick's day ( which officially, i have been told, did not exist this year).lol

Ot was cool to go to Hereford and see everyone and even more exciting to bump into to Cuz and Mini Cuz :)

The invites to the wedding were posted last week to and so some of the replies have begun to come back to us. If you think you should have got an invite and haven't recieved on yet then check you email.... we might not have your address ;)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

To SPAN and Criggie and the rest of the gang

See you can make a living doing actions to look like a dance routine!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

In need of a piano and some time.

What I wouldn't give right now for some quiet space filled with just a beautiful, black baby grand and some inspiration. I need some, I need some time, some space and some keys.....

Sunday, March 02, 2008


The barnio....

Ahh the barnio... that was interesting. Last you heard we had been invited to make another offer. Mindful of that fact that they had previously accepted an offer of 235,00 we offered 230,000!! Well, they'd messed us about and we had two other properties to choose from anyway. We'd both kind of moved on. They rejected this offer of course so we then thought ah well... we've had 235 accepted before so we'll try that again. They rejected that aswell.
I suppose from their point of view we had gone all the way up to 2,000 over the asking price of 240,00 last time and they were probably hoping that we wanted the barn so desperatly we'd do the same thing again.
Obviously they were wrong... we weren't in the same position as last time. So we told them that that was our final offer.
We then made an offer on another property and had that accepted!! yay! So we have a house! Of course on the way to the mortgage advisor to finallise the paper work Nigel Poole rang to say that they though that they really should have accepted our offer and would we wait until tomorrow to get an answer. It was very satisfying to tell them to get stuffed. Nigel Poole's assistants will tell you anything to get a sale and to try and push you. Be warned. Walk away, Particularly if the sale on the property has fallen through 3 times previously.

So...where are we going to live?
Studley! Yep we've bought a house in Studley, Warwickshire. It backs onto Studley common and has a lovely view,

is detached and refurbished and has a big conservatory for the cats to lounge in. I will finally be able to have a reading chair in a sunny spot and line up my books on the window sill :) Yay! And Debs can pop round for a cup of tea after work. We havne't seen each other for over a year!!!!! NO GOOD! AT ALL!
We should be in at easter :) :)