Saturday, September 26, 2009


Pops and clicks meet the 21st Century.

As you can no doubt see from these pictures my mother is a little excited at the moment. She's discovered that you can buy a turntable which will record straight to your ipod and she's had a whale of a time!

It's amazing how tricky it is though. I'd forgotten what an effort it must have been to listen to music for more than a couple of minutes. No 'track lists' or 'play all', when you get to the end, you're at the end and you need to get up and change the record. Annoying!

A cool gadget though! :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Filming, resignations and impressing the parents.

Last week was manic.  By Friday I was grumpy and in great need of cake, chocolate and copious amounts of coffee.  Monday saw my handing in my notice and being filmed by "Happy Giraffe" for 25 mins whilst I taught a lesson.  Then, Thursday was Open Evening (meaning I didn't get home until 9).  By Friday I was walking asleep!

The fruits of the filming can be seen here.  I'm in bits and bobs in the second half.  It'll give you a good idea of the place I work at too :) 

Thursday, September 17, 2009

At Open Evening

Done too much flapping, now worn out and the parents aren't even here yet!

Finish at 8:30  DOH!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Moch's I D - Self Surfing

I type in Mochinbach in google to discover that LOFs appearing on several news items pertaining to car surfing.

Boy Injured Car Surfing on Mom's Ford

Surfin’ USA

When do I start charging for copyright... Those images are protected... LMAO  and....

do they not know he's not a teen???



Baby name generators

Why is my OH on such a sight ??

It suggests
Adnan Adlai,
Phil Asher
Trent Joachim Rick
David, River, Octavious

Elise Beth ( which made me laugh. Poor spelling??)
Phoebe Betty
Alpha Austin


What the hell has he put in the search criteria ???


Why is he looking!!!!!???

possibly for the comic effect of the names it's producing??

Happy Giraffes

They're coming to video M6 and I as we make our contract.  Apparently, I'm into that kind of thing?


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sunshine in September

The sun is shinning and warming your body as you drive. The window's open and you're on your way home. You take a deep breath and wait for that moment of total relaxation to happen. For a rush of warm energy to raise from the back of your spine all the way to your head; for your eyes to open wide and smile; to know you feel good; that you are good.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Funky Photos

We're having them.

A modern school photographer came and made the kids pose in fun and interesting ways. It was fun. Well I thought so.

Apparently some of the hormonal adolescents didn't like being asked to stand next to each other or kneel behind each other. TOO much like fun! ;)

Made me laugh when a wise man at the meeting said "Well, I don't know who suggested that but they clearly know nothing about kids"

Had to clear my throat and lose eye contact for a minute there! ;)

I reckon doing what we did today was much more interesting than sitting on a chair, in a row, smiling inainely at a camera! LMAO

Woo hoo!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Perfect Silence

Sitting in the cinema, reading the legalities about not filming and watching the certification.

100 people.
No noise.
Not a sound.


Sunday, September 06, 2009

Mr and Mrs Aikman

Created with flickr slideshow.

Congratulations are in order for Mr and Mrs Aikman (jnr.).  Instead of spending the weekend planning and considering the arival of students tomorrow I've spent it watching two lovely people make lovely promises to each other. :) - Much more like it!

The wedding was down in Cardiff (where they first met and where Liz's family live). It was a wonderful day.  The speeches were lovely.  I think one of the loveliest things about weddings is that it's one of the only times in your life when your friends and family publicly delcare how much they love you and proud they are of your achievements.  It was quite emotional, Jac was choked up as he talked about Liz.  Choked up despite the fact that my already drunk husband was wolf whistling at him!  His whistles were well timed though ;)

LOF had a great time.  He drank A LOT. In fact he has completly lost 2 hours of the evening as a result of alcohol consumption! LMAO.  After eating the biggest plate of food he's had in a while he declared that there was "a problem" - He'd drunk too much and we had to circumnavigate the marquee repeatedly until he felt a little better.  I ended up leaving him with his friends so I could capture Liz and Jac's first dance - i knew he'd never remember the live version anyway! Deary me! lol

Ah well. I have lots of lovely pictures of him doing what looked like the dance from Mary Poppins (Chim Chim Cheree) to Don't stop me now.  Silly bugger!  ;) Check flickr for more piccies!

Friday, September 04, 2009

The Birth of the Academy.

I saw the 4 new signs, designed to look a little like flags, along the front first, then (as I drove down the drive) I followed some very posh looking signs down a newly tarmaced drive and parked the car. New signs; every building labelled to within an inch of it's life and a really cute sign post directing you to the purpose of the building 4 meters away.

Brand new red leather sofas in reception and LCD TVs showing the days events like a professional CPD center I once knew well in Hindmarsh. It's all looking very professional, modern and new.

Of course, we're still in the same buildings and the classrooms are no different than they were back when we were just a 'school' but there is a changed mood. Even though, fundamentaly we've got a new logo and signs everything does feel exciting and new.

Change is good. :)

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Back to work tomorrow

and although that's weird (I've been stuck to a computer for 6 weeks now) it does mean that I have only got 16 weeks left until the big LEAP! OMFG!

LMAO (whilst cowering and covering my eyes) ;p